1. Open your web browser and type https://outlook.office.com into your URL bar. 


You will need to sign in with your student email address, it will be in the following format. 


000000 – being your year of entry plus admission number 

i.e. 191234 

Goffs Academy 


Year 7 (and external Sixth Form students) 000000@goffsacademy.com / 000000@grid.goffs.herts.sch.uk 






Goffs-Churchgate Academy 




  1. If you are logging in for the first time you will need to set your language time zone. 


You will be greeted with the following page, for time zone you will be 

(UTC +00:00) Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London and set the language to whatever language that you speak. 


Note: please make sure to select the correct language the first-time round. 







Mr S Edwards 

ICT Support